"In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities."

Crystal Mountain

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So much to do, so little time

Tomorrow is the day Sean and I have to accept or decline the counter we received on the Willow Park property. I really want the house, and I want to be done house hunting, but now a bunch of questions have come up regarding the financing. When I first started the process, my Realtor put me in touch with his preferred lender. While I like working with him, as I've learned more about the process, I'm not sure that he is the best deal out there. I'm torn on what to do because I don't have much time to research and as "they" always say, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. I'm afraid I'll make a decision without all the facts and then discover that maybe he was in fact offering the best deals and incentives. I don't want the deal with the house to fall through based on my financing, but on the flip side, I don't want to lose a lot of money to the process because I didn't perform my due diligence. This is all so overwhelming...not nearly as much fun as I thought it would be! I'm sure once I sign the papers and close the deal, I will be much more excited, but right now this just feels like a second job - and one I'm not getting paid for!

On a less frustrated note, I start my new job in just three weeks! I am so excited, and I love that my commute will no longer require that I sit in traffic for two hours in the afternoons! That is probably the best perk so far. It is getting really hard to concentrate on my current job because I am having difficulty really caring about anything. In a few weeks none of it will be my responsibility, so it's hard to make it a priority. Nonetheless, I am trying to stay focused, though it's definitely a challenge. I'd rather be focusing on the house hunt or training for my new position.

In Leo-related news, he struck again last night and unfortunately, Sean and I didn't have his shock collar on. I was sitting on the couch and he was curled up below me, agitated because he is a bit flea ridden right now. Sean and I bathed him earlier in the afternoon and put some flea medication on his back, though it doesn't seem to help much. I reached down to pet him in an attempt to be somewhat nurturing and sensitive to his discomfort, and as soon as my hand reached within six inches of his face, he lunged at me. Fortunately his teeth just grazed me, so no skin was broken (probably a first). After that little stunt, we put the shock collar on him and then let him be, in order to prevent him from viewing the collar as punishment. Ideally, he's not supposed to know that the collar is a bad thing, or he will only respond favorably when it is on him. Once it had been on for about twenty minutes, I went over to pet him and the little shit tried biting me again. This time his collar was on, so I was able to shock him and as expected, he retreated and stopped snarling at me. Is it bad that I actually enjoy having the opportunity to shock my dog? It sounds terrible, and yet when you've been bitten this many times, it's such a relief to see that something works in correcting the behavior. I feel terrible hurting him, but it's gotta be better than the alternative of putting him down. Regardless of his behavior, I still love the little guy and hate the thought of having to give him up.

More updates to come tomorrow after a decision is made on the house. Probably the biggest decision I've made in my life so far...kind of scary!

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